
The E-Portfolio is an online compilation of documents that is flexible and is based on evidences of which students are directly involved in a continuous reflection process towards their own learning, the progress of their achievement on knowledge, technical and generic skills as well as their personal, academic and career development planning.

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Modules in Semester 1:

Modules in Semester 2:

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Social Psychology

Social Psychology (PSYC0103)
Name  :  Teo Kean Hui
Student ID  :  0310165
Course  :  FNBE March Intake 2012
Lecturer  :  Miss Tan Huey Yee

Assignment 1 : Journal

This assignment is an individual assignment which everyone must write journal about things happened on them and relates it to social psychology from Chapter 1 to Chapter 5. Through this assignment, I have realized that many that happened in life are related to social psychology. I’ve learn to think rationally, adaptive comparative judgment and critical thinking to achieve intended learning outcomes (ILOs). After studying Social Psychology, I’ve also learn to understand myself better and also improve my knowledge in Social Psychology such as the theories in social psychology. Moreover, I learn to demonstrate my communication skills and essay writing skills and learn from mistake.

After completing this module, I realize that although I’ve memorize some of the theories but there are still certain theories that I’m not clear about the some definition due to there are few theories are almost similar. To overcome this problem, I’ve do some research and discuss with my friends so that I’m able to understand all the theories better and do my best to finish this assignment. Besides that time management is also very important for me, I arrange my time wisely so that I’m able to finish this assignment in time and other subject’s assignment as well. The strength of doing this assignment is I’m able to recall things that happened on me that can relate to social psychology theory easily.

Assignment 2 : Article / Advertisement Analysis

Assignment 2 is a group assignment which is 3 to 5 people in each group. Unfortunately I only got 3 members in my group, but never mind and I appreciate it. This assignment requires us to find source from magazine and newspaper which related to social psychology from Chapter 6 to Chapter 10. By doing this assignment I’ve learnt to cooperate and communicate nicely especially time management with my group members and able to finish this assignment in time. I have successfully understand the social psychology theories and able to find it easily in any news, magazines and advertisement. 

After completing this module, I realize that there are actually creative skills that apply on those articles and advertisements that attract people’s attention and persuade them to read them. The weakness in doing this assignment is the time management between group members due to we are from different course and also got group members doing the last minute work. The strength of doing this assignment is we work as a group and many ideas because we got different view towards different things. In future if I become a leader, I hope I can lead my team mates properly and avoid from last minutes work.




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