
The E-Portfolio is an online compilation of documents that is flexible and is based on evidences of which students are directly involved in a continuous reflection process towards their own learning, the progress of their achievement on knowledge, technical and generic skills as well as their personal, academic and career development planning.

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Modules in Semester 1:

Modules in Semester 2:

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Design Visualization

Design Visualization (FNBE 0155)
Name  :  Teo Kean Hui
Student ID  :  0310165
Course  :  FNBE March Intake 2012
Lecturer  :  Miss Normah Sulaiman, Miss Delliya Zain

Assignment 1 : Sketch! Like Your Life Depends On It!

Each student is then required to produce 8 number of sketches on suitable A5 size paper (landscape)
Students are required to sketch the followings; (free hand sketches)
A. Body Parts / Figure / Nature B. Object Projection C. Geometric Projection
D. Your City – Projection
(coloured or rendered)
E. One point Perspective of an area
or areas in TUC
F. Two point Perspective of an
area or areas in TUC
G. Details in TUC H. Tracing a picture of a building* (rendering)

- To identify a personal and expressive response to visual simulation.
- To apply basic principles and elements of design and drawing as a language to visualise and to communicate ideas.

Learning outcomes
- Recognize their potential for creativity, self-expression and visual awareness.
- Identify the fundamental principles, elements and techniques in sketching, drawing, design process and presentation skills.

This assignment is intended to recognize potential for creativity, self-expression and visual awareness. Besides that, it is also intended to identify the
fundamental principles, elements and techniques in sketching, drawing, design process and presentation skills. By doing this assignment, I've learnt the very basic skill of sketching and rendering of many different object and things. There are many topics given for us to draw which are the Body Parts, City, One point Perspective of an area and other four. This have helped me a lot on my drawing skills after doing this assignment especially on my one point perspective drawing and two points perspective drawings, because I always do it wrongly in the past.

Sketching of Body Parts, Hand

Sketching of Object, A Nail

My Very Own City

Geometrical Projection

One Point Perspective @ Taylor's University

Two Point Perspective @ Taylor's University

Detail Object @ Taylor's University

Tracing exercise on tracing paper

 Assignment 2 : Orthographic Drawings & Diagrams

Project 2A
Students will be given a space of about 10mx15m (not more) in TUC whereby they will have to measure and observe the site. Students are required to produce the followings on A3 size papers of their choice (*with approval of their lecturer except tracing paper):
1. One page for INTRODUCTION of the site and project. (This page should give a brief explanation of the project, site and its location.)
2. One LAYOUT PLAN of the site at the scale of 1:50. The plan must show everything that is visible and using the appropriate drawing conventions and representations. (Drawing must show correct drawing conventions, line weight, labeling, title, scale, north point, main dimension and proper line weight)
3. One DETAILED PLAN of the site at the scale of 1:50. The plan must show details and measurements that is visible and using the appropriate drawing conventions and representations. (Drawing must show correct drawing conventions, line weight, labeling, title, scale, north point, dimension and proper line weight)
4. Three/Four ELEVATIONS related to the plan and site (*approved by their tutor/lecturer) at the scale of 1:50. (Drawing must show correct drawing conventions, labeling, title, scale, dimension and proper line weight).
5. ONE - one point or two point perspective sketched perspectives and ONE - sketched axonometric. Both could be on the same A3 paper or could be on a different piece of A3 paper depending on the size.
6. One page of details sketches applying the glass box theory of elements related to the site given.
Note: All drawings must show proper drawing conventions, line weight, labeling, title, scale, north point, dimension and proper line weight. Students may apply suitable renderings or apply any media to make the drawings interesting.

Project 2B
Students are required use the area from Project 2A to illustrate Bubble Diagrams and Diagrammatic Analysis. Students are required to produce the followings diagrams on A3 size papers of their choice (*with approval of their tutor or lecturer):
1. ONE page to illustrate a Bubble Diagram for the area used in Project 2A. (area can be extended if necessary)
2. ONE page to illustrate a Bubble Diagram for the entire level of the area (from Project 2A) that it is on.
3. ONE or TWO page to illustrate Diagrammatic Analysis on the area or level or block that relates to site used in Project 2A.

- To apply basic principles and elements of design and drawing as a language to visualise and to communicate ideas.
- To demonstrate observation and visualization skills in a variety of ways depending on the area of specialization being pursued with an emphasis on the process of drawing.

Learning Outcome
- Identify the fundamental principles, elements and techniques in sketching, drawing, design process and presentation skills.
- Demonstrate observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively.
- Manipulate variety of media and techniques to visualize ideas leading to a finish product.
- Apply drawing as a means of communication in order to express two dimensional and three dimensional ideas.

This assignment is given for us so that we are able to identify
the fundamental principles, elements and techniques in sketching, drawing, design process and presentation skills. Besides that, we are required to demonstrate observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively and apply drawing as a means of communication in order to express two dimensional and three dimensional ideas. Through out this assignment, I've measured the site been given - Taylor's University Library reception area then record down the out come. After that, produce a set of site plan. I've learnt to observe the details then measure it and the technique to draw site plan accurately.

Layout Plan

Detailed Plan

Elevation 1, Right wall

Elevation 2, Left wall

Elevation, Front entrance of Library

Details of computer desk

One point perspective of Taylor's University Library

Axonometric drawing of Library

Bubble diagram 1

Bubble diagram 2

Assignment 3 : Introduction to Site Analysis

1. As a group, students are required to do a further observation of the site used in Project 2.
2. Students are required to prepare the following information;
a. Location: Location Plan, Site Plan and a Detail Plan of the site in relation to the whole of Taylor’s University.
b. Site Context: Elevations and section of the site and its surroundings. Illustrate through drawings, pictures, and diagrams to show the type of spaces surrounding the area visually.
c. Size, Zoning and Legal: To show the dimension of the area allowed, zoning of areas and any legal requirements if applicable. Indicate zoning of spaces.
d. Natural and Man Made Physical Features: To illustrate the vegetation, landscape, soil, typography, site characters, elements and feature around the sites or in Taylor’s University.
e. Circulation: To illustrate through diagrams the accessibility, permeability, pedestrian pathway, fire escape, services etc.
f. Utilities: To indicate any services & utilities within the selected site through drawings.
g. Sensory Perception: To illustrate human behavior research and observation of sound, smell, air and visual qualities etc through diagrams, visuals and panoramic pictures.(supported by symbols and diagrams)
h. Human, Culture and Activities: To illustrate the human, culture, issues, activities etc.
i. Climate: To illustrate micro climate such as sun path, wind, shade etc through diagrams and plans.
j. SWOT Analysis: To describe the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats of the site.
k. Individually, each group member should come up with a “case study” and propose and idea to show what would be suitable for site and to fit the Final Project requirements. Each group member should produce a case study on not more than 2 piece of A3 paper.
l. To prepare the entire above document in an A3 size papers for presentation purposes.
m. Students may prepare a power point or video presentation as well to support the A3 documents to show pictures and other observation. The power point and video show will not be the main presentation it is just to support the A3 documents.

- To demonstrate observation and visualization skills in a variety of ways depending on the area of specialization being pursued with an emphasis on the process of drawing.
- To develop confidence to use drawing as a means of communication to express two dimensional and three dimensional ideas.

Learning Outcome
- Demonstrate observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively.
- Manipulate variety of media and techniques to visualize ideas leading to a finish product.


This assignment is given for us so that we are able to demonstrate observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively. Besides that, we are able to Manipulate variety of media and techniques to visualize ideas leading to a finish product. Through out this assignment, I've measured the site been given - Taylor's University Library reception area then record down the out come. After that, produce a set of site analysis plan and present infront of the class. I've learnt to observe the details then measure it and the technique to draw site analysis plan accurately.

Assignment 4 : Feature Wall Installation Design Proposal

The task is for the students to propose a wall installation or a feature wall at the given site in Project 2 and Project 3. Through the site analysis study, students will then find a solution or ideas to create a suitable functional wall installation. Students will then prepare a presentation boards and models to express their ideas.
Part A – Presentation 4th of January 2013
Students are required to document their design ideas and process of obtaining their design that will eventually lead to their final design. During this process students will produce numerous sketches or doodling to come up with the best idea. At this stage students are required to show the followings on A3 papers of their choice;
1. 3 (A3) pages of idea development and process such as sketches, doodles, photos etc.
2. 2 (A3) drawing of the existing and proposed plan and elevations at 1:50 scale.
3. Working models which help them visualize the proposal.
4. 2 (A3) pages on the propose layout of their final project presentation board
Part B – Submission and Presentation 1st of February 2013
Once the design is finalized, students are required to prepare their presentation board. The final presentation requirements are as follows;
1. Students are required to prepare all drawings, sketches and visuals on maximum 2nos. of A2 boards.
2. Students are required to prepare and present the following drawings and information;
a. Title and brief introduction of the site and project.
b. The design development in the form of diagrams, sketches, bubble diagram
c. Selected site analysis information to support the proposed idea.
d. Site Plan 1:200
e. Existing Plan 1:50
f. Existing Elevation 1:50
g. Proposed Plan 1:50
h. THREE Elevations 1:50
i. THREE Sketched Perspective (Min A5 Size)
j. Minimum ONE Photomontage of the proposed wall design
k. It is compulsory to present all working model and submit the final model at the scale of 1:50.
*All plans must show its neighboring contexts or elements
*Students are not allowed to create a new wall. Students are required to design on or in front of the existing wall. Should not demolish existing wall.
*The proposed wall should not be more than 15000mm(L)x4000mm(W)x900mm(D)

- To demonstrate observation and visualization skills in a variety of ways depending on the area of specialization being pursued with an emphasis on the process of drawing.
- To develop confidence to use drawing as a means of communication to express two dimensional and three dimensional ideas.

Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively.
- Manipulate variety of media and techniques to visualize ideas leading to a finish product.


This assignment require us to know the method to demonstrate observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively and also know to manipulate variety of media and techniques to visualize ideas leading to a finish product. Along this assignment, I've learnt the development of ideas how to make a product more attractive my evolving it. Besides that, I've also learnt to organize a presentation board so that people who see it can understand it easily.

Presentation board part 1

Presentation board part 2

Model of wall installation

During presentation day

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