
The E-Portfolio is an online compilation of documents that is flexible and is based on evidences of which students are directly involved in a continuous reflection process towards their own learning, the progress of their achievement on knowledge, technical and generic skills as well as their personal, academic and career development planning.

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Modules in Semester 1:

Modules in Semester 2:

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Elements of Natural and Built Environments

Element of Natural & Build Environment (FNBE 0115)
Name  :  Teo Kean Hui
Student ID  :  0310165
Course  :  FNBE March Intake 2012
Lecturer  :  Miss Normah Sulaiman, Miss Sujatavani, Mr. Wan Muhammad

I had been given the task to produce an awareness campaign in our first ENBE assignment. An eco-Archi theme was given to my group and we had to talk about the theme in the university. We had to therefore create things to enforce this campaign.

Learning  outcomes:
In this assignment, I've learn to created a poster and some merchandise that related to environment which is stop littering and promote this awareness.
Through this, I’ve learnt and understand the basic knowledge  and process to complete a task. Which is the process making poster and merchandise need lots of research that related to the ecologic architecture.
Besides that, I also know the problem that face by the environment such as pollution through this assignment. Due to the topic given is related to the ecology which is related the natural environment.

Through this assignment, I able to use my creativity and my imagination to the fully extent. Besides that, it also honed my skills and tested my abilities to use certain media to deliver a message such as the “Stop Littering”

For our 2nd ENBE assignment, I was required two produce three dimensional composition using planes of basic shapes namely circles, squares and triangles. Using seven vertical planes and two horizontal planes I have to create a composition which generates which three distinct volumes space, private, semi-public and public with certain characteristics. The shape that I’ve chosen is circle.

Learning Outcome:
Through this assignment, I was given a chance to describe the different characteristics of the natural and built environment by exploring the basics elements such as natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure.
I’ve also learnt the characteristic of the private, semi-private and public area. Such as the public area will be open and enable people to pass through easier
Beside that, I got to analyze and evaluate the different development of the built environment by looking at the landscape, natural topography, space, building and infrastructure. In this assignment also, I got the chance to communicate ideas through observation and using different medias to promote a good presentation.
This assignment enable me to showcase my creativity in design a model. Moreover, I’ve also know the workmanship on a model is very important in making a perfect and beautiful model.

FORM AND FABRIC - Mapping of Rural, Suburban and Urban Context
This is the third assignment and it’s a group assignment. In this assignment, every group with 7 people are required have site visitation to urban, sub-urban and rural area to study the infrastructure, drainage system, typology and the population of those areas and come out with a group proposal and model which explain about the difference about the urban, sub-urban and rural areas.
The path of our site visitation.
Damansara (Urban) > Kepong (Sub-urban) > Kuang (Rural)

Learning outcomes:
The things that I’ve learnt during this assignment is observe. I’ve observe the difference between the three different areas in terms of the infrastructure, population and so on.
Besides that, I’ve also learnt about the life, population, infrastructure and much more about places that we’ve went for the site visitation. This have improved my knowledge about the rural, urban and sub-urban areas.
Team work is always important in a group project. Thanks to my group members of giving their time and work on the site visitation, model and the report, without their help the everything will be hard to move on.

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