
The E-Portfolio is an online compilation of documents that is flexible and is based on evidences of which students are directly involved in a continuous reflection process towards their own learning, the progress of their achievement on knowledge, technical and generic skills as well as their personal, academic and career development planning.

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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Culture and Civilization

Culture and Civilization (FDES 0815)
Name  :  Teo Kean Hui
Student ID  :  0310165
Course  :  FNBE March Intake 2012
Lecturer  :  Miss Normah Sulaiman, Miss Delliya Zain

Assignment 1 : The Rise of Civilization

In a group of 2, produce a Graphical Time-line Calendar and Culture Journal of the ancient civilizations in Southeast Asia. The list of countries are as below:
- China
- India
- Cambodia
- Thailand
1. Graphical Time-line should consist of Text (short summary) and Images (Illustration, photo, diagram or chart, etc) that best represent the topic discussed
2. In your culture journal, you should highlight the issues related to geographical, economy, politics and culture of the chosen civilization. Also, include the characteristics and achievement of that civilization.
3. Students are to include a geographical map to demonstrate your understanding the relationship in between land, weather, human activities and population change according to timeline such as the spreading of chosen civilization, etc. in your culture journal

- To introduce the Western and Eastern culture and civilization through an overview of archeological discoveries, ancient monuments, artworks, philosophy and achievement of great leaders from prehistoric to present.
- To show basic skills on inquiry, investigation, application and presentation of relevant information

Learning outcomes
- Able to describe the historical development of human civilization.
- Able to develop skills of data gathering.
- Able to demonstrate good documentation and presentation skills.

This assignment aim to introduce the Western and Eastern culture and civilization through an overview of archeological discoveries, ancient monuments, artworks, philosophy and achievement of great leaders from prehistoric to present so that we're able to describe the historical development of human civilization, develop skills of data gathering and demonstrate good documentation and presentation skills. Besides that, this assignment also aim to show basic skills on inquiry, investigation, application and presentation of relevant information. The country given to do research on is Cambodia, I've understand more about the geographical, human activities, politics, economics, culture and religion of Cambodia in the past. 

The Journal

First page of Journal

The Journal

The poster about History of Cambodia

The poster about History of Cambodia (2)

Assignment 2 : Messages from The Past  

Part I : Your task is to propose a play in video format from a specific civilization. You are to select an event for the play based on themes such as sociology, engineering, archaeology or myth and legends of the civilization. You are to conduct a thorough research of the characteristics of the events chosen and perform the findings to the class in any form of presentations deemed best.

Part II: Individually, your task is to create a journal of your character that would demonstrate your understanding of the chosen elements from Part I.

- To examine the similarities and differences between Eastern and Western civilizations.
- To show basic skills on enquiry, investigation, application and presentation of relevant information.

Learning Outcome
- Able to recall the development of Eastern and Western human civilizations in the past as well as present.
- Able to demonstrate good documentation and presentation skills.

This assignment purpose is want us able to recall the development of Eastern and Western human civilizations in the past as well as present and also to demonstrate good documentation and presentation skills. In this assignment, the story we've made is about Japanese story of Takezo Kensei. In this assignment, we've go through hardship in order to finish this and we even went to the jungle for the video shooting session. 

In the process of making Armor

The complete samurai Armor

Video shooting session in Jungle

Video shooting session in Jungle (2)

Me in Samurai Armor

Individual journal

Individual journal

Assignment 3 : Graphical book
Part I: You are required to do a literature research on places of interest of your site visit. From the literature review, you are to study the theme given and its connection between the historical, architectural and social aspects of the place. Documenting the right building, spaces and places with the right content is important in this project. You are advised to work closely with your tutor to ensure you are on the right track.
1. Food Culture
.. Kopitiam,
.. Street Food
.. Coffee Joints
2. Pop Culture
.. Event /Charity Drive
.. Sports( Cycling/Fixie)
.. Music (Open mic session / gigs)
.. Street Art (Grafity) and Arts
3. Architecture
.. Malaysian Architecture
.. Fusion
.. Religious Places
.. Spaces and People
Part II: You are to design a graphical expression of your findings in a concise graphical book. The book will create awareness and educate your audience on the subject matter or focus of the study. This includes design & layout, purpose, target audience, content, writing style, colours and etc. You are strongly encouraged to meet with us regularly for further assistance.
Submission Requirement
Part I: Compilation of literature review in A4 and comb bound format. (Guidelines of content will be provided during class)
Part II: Coffee Table Book – A5 format size]

- To introduce the Western and Eastern culture and civilization through an overview of archeological discoveries, ancient monuments, artworks, philosophy and achievement of great leaders from prehistoric to present.
- To show basic skills on enquiry, investigation, application and presentation of relevant information.

Learning Outcome
- Able to describe the historical development of human civilization.
- Able to recall the development of Eastern and Western human civilizations in the past as well as present.
- Able to demonstrate good documentation and presentation skills.

This assignment want us able to describe the historical development of human civilization and recall the development of Eastern and Western human civilizations in the past as well as present then demonstrate good documentation and presentation skills. I've choose Malacca as the area to do research. During the journey, many pictures have been taken and we need to compile the pictures chosen into a book. Through this assignment, I'm able to understand the changes of buildings in Malacca from the past.

This is how the book look like



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